Due to social distancing practices, we will be live-streaming our shows on Facebook and Instagram for the foreseeable future. All shows have a suggested donation of $5, as we are fundraising for Black Art Futures Fund. Be sure to follow us on Instagram @thecoop.aa to stay up to date. Stay safe!
Spread the Word
Want to help us grow and spread the word about The CoOp? We're always hanging posters, passing out flyers, and looking for ways to collaborate with local businesses and organizations. If any of that - or anything else you may think of - sounds like something you'd be into, shoot us an email! We are friendly :)
We are always looking for new artists from diverse backgrounds and genres to perform in our space! Just shoot us an email at that includes your name, a little bit about yourself, links to your music, and a video of you performing live. We will get back to you ASAP!